The Five People You Meet In Heaven is about an old man named Eddie who works and has worked his whole life at the fair despite hating the place. In his last day of life he saves a little girl from being toppled by a ride. In heaven he meets five people who influenced his life and caused him to head down the path he did. The Five People You Meet In Heaven is my favorite because it tells the message that all our lives are connected in many ways, some people affecting your life more than others. It isn't the most challenging book by far, but it has rich messages about life and death and especially forgiveness.
My biggest improvement this quarter is my reading speed and summaries. In the beginning of the year I could only read a 300 page book in 4 hours, now it's been halved. You might say that reading too fast could be a problem but my understanding of books and their messages has improved to match my reading speed. My increased understanding of this has been improved and this has helped me in many ways. For example I can now write better summaries that get to the point.
In this quarter I am most proud of getting into art and sketching. During my elementary school days I used to draw all the time. But as I got busier in middle school I haven't had the time to get to it again. But after being done with everything I got back into art again. I am proud of being able to draw good enough and for getting back in it.
One of my biggest struggles this quarter was getting up and reaching school. I have some problems sleeping and I always have to turn on at least 10 alarms to get to everything in time. I also live far from school and I have no way of getting here and back other than walking. It takes at least 15 minutes, if I run, and for me that just means I have to wake up 15 minutes earlier. Another problem is the weather. I have to walk and somedays, like today, it rains. A way that I can solve this problem is by asking friends for rides or pay $2.00 to take the bus. Since my dad is here now, when he doesn't work I might also be able to ask him.
I am not a stranger to blogs since 6th grade but after around a year and a half I have to say that I've gotten better at writing them. For example in the past I used to get to the point quickly without showing descriptions but now I can describe things with a little bit of work and no problems. Another change is the length which goes hand in hand with better and bigger descriptions. But another thing would be word choice and understanding their affects in different mediums. I've gotten better at this thanks to practice in ELA.
In the past I never had any exposure to other countries except for the rare news channel or movies, which are very biased and exaggerated however after researching things I learned many new things. I learned these things because of new research skills. For example after verifying the website's expertise I can learn more accurate facts about many different countries, like Pakistan, no matter if its for personal interest or projects. I verify websites by checking if they are .com or .edu or .org. Sites with .edu are much more safe and informational. Some things I've learned about Pakistan is it's relationship with other countries, especially neighboring ones. I learned that Pakistan and India hate each other and have had many wars against each other. All these things are changes in this quarter.