Pages: 310
Genre: Historical Fiction and Mystery
Orphan of the Sun is a book based on Ancient Egypt about an orphan girl called Meryt-Re. During a struggle for control over building constructions she witnesses theft and has to help find out who is responsible. While she is forced to help her cousin/rival, Baki, gets horribly sick, and because she was born under the Goddess of Destruction her uncle, who's been taking care of her in all her years kicks her out thinking she's the misfortune. The story tells about how she handles her problems and solves the mystery of the theft.
Depending on which part of the books you're in the mood varies. In the beginning the mood was serious. The book immediately starts off with the forced marriage between her and Ramose. Then she talks about how she doesn't want to marry him and she doesn't want things to change. In the middle the book has a sad mood. Meryt-Re has been kicked out of her house, her relationships are falling apart, their is more pressure on her marriage, and the trials against the mastermind behind the theft are getting involved with her friend's family. In the end the book has a more happy mood because she solved the mystery, saved her friends, is accepted back in her home, and the marriage is gone.
The characters are of a more simple variety. But even then I have my opinion on each of them. My favorite character is Teti. A prophet in the village, Teti is kind hearted and takes care of Meryt-Re when she is kicked out of the house and at her most vulnerable. Teti has a close relationship with the Gods so she is feared throughout the village as a powerful person but is just and warm. My least favorite character is the villain in the story, Userkaf. He beats his slaves, forces them to steal, bribed court juries, and is simply a snob.
I commented on Sophie's Blog,
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Nonfiction Blog, November 30, 2015, Women's Rights: Changing Attitudes 1990 - 2000
Genre: Nonfiction (Informational Text)
Pages: 64
Woman's Rights has been a problem throughout the years. Recently Woman's Rights has accomplished most of its goals and we have made a certain amount of gender equality in some countries. This book tells about the causes and effects which lead to the change in mindset throughout generations.
There are many interesting segments in the book. One of them was, "Indian reformers established schools and colleges for girls and women, and campaigned against customs such as sati (the burning to death of Hindu widows) or purdah (the practice of keeping women confined indoors)." (Paragraph 2, Page 28) This means that not only in America but in India women had to fight against inequality and brutality that even now is hard to believe happened.
Another interesting segment was, "Upon marriage, they were expected to leave paid work and become housewives, devoting themselves to husband and children." (Paragraph 1, Page 27) This means that once women married they were forced to lead the lives of housewives and had no choice.
Most facts are forgotten especially when we learn so much everyday. Some facts I will remember is that Hitler and the Nazis was against women's rights and they even said they were stealing jobs from men. I will also remember that women who were arrested due to protests were called "Suffragettes" and were seen as "plain and humorless women, rejected by men. In fact most had husbands and families." I also learned that on April 17 the women known as Mother's of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina carried photos of their kidnapped children (because of their earlier protests) every week despite dangers for years.
Women have suffered a lot over the years. Our hard work, dedication, and persistence has made us worthy in the eyes of others. Through protests and courage women managed to gain our spot in gender equality. Though today we still see gender issues, like higher waged for men in same jobs as women, we will continue to defend and fight for our rights.
I commented on Amelia's Blog, Brimady's Blog, and Evelyn's Blog.
Pages: 64
Woman's Rights has been a problem throughout the years. Recently Woman's Rights has accomplished most of its goals and we have made a certain amount of gender equality in some countries. This book tells about the causes and effects which lead to the change in mindset throughout generations.
There are many interesting segments in the book. One of them was, "Indian reformers established schools and colleges for girls and women, and campaigned against customs such as sati (the burning to death of Hindu widows) or purdah (the practice of keeping women confined indoors)." (Paragraph 2, Page 28) This means that not only in America but in India women had to fight against inequality and brutality that even now is hard to believe happened.
Another interesting segment was, "Upon marriage, they were expected to leave paid work and become housewives, devoting themselves to husband and children." (Paragraph 1, Page 27) This means that once women married they were forced to lead the lives of housewives and had no choice.
Most facts are forgotten especially when we learn so much everyday. Some facts I will remember is that Hitler and the Nazis was against women's rights and they even said they were stealing jobs from men. I will also remember that women who were arrested due to protests were called "Suffragettes" and were seen as "plain and humorless women, rejected by men. In fact most had husbands and families." I also learned that on April 17 the women known as Mother's of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina carried photos of their kidnapped children (because of their earlier protests) every week despite dangers for years.
Women have suffered a lot over the years. Our hard work, dedication, and persistence has made us worthy in the eyes of others. Through protests and courage women managed to gain our spot in gender equality. Though today we still see gender issues, like higher waged for men in same jobs as women, we will continue to defend and fight for our rights.
I commented on Amelia's Blog, Brimady's Blog, and Evelyn's Blog.
Friday, November 13, 2015
The Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice Theme Blog
Focus: Determine theme/ analyze its development throughout the novel.
The Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice is about a man, of too much human nature, becoming and coping with being a blood feeding vampire in the past centuries. He tells about his experiences in an interview with a human in the 20th century.
The themes in the story are coming of age, courage, effects of the past, manipulation, need for change, obligation, perseverance, quest for knowledge, revenge, seizing the moment, etc. In the story he faces many challenges not only from the changes in time century to century but from the other vampires he's involved with. His main challenge is, the harsh and uncaring emotionally scarred, Lestat.
Lestat is a huge catalyst of conflict in the story. He forces our main character to change and to grow up as well as gain courage and get revenge for all the years of suffering. Lestat is not only a problem himself but he made problems. He made a vampire out of an innocent girl in a family ruined by plague. He forced a woman to be forever stuck in a child's body just so that he would have the obligation to stay with him. The setting also affected the themes in The Interview with the Vampire. The setting in The Interview with the Vampire was constantly changing. This forced the main character to change as well according to current times. These conflicts and characters influenced the themes greatly.
I commented on Brimady's Blog, Evelyn's Blog, Kezia's Blog, and Sophia M.'s Blog.
I commented on Brimady's Blog, Evelyn's Blog, Kezia's Blog, and Sophia M.'s Blog.
Monday, November 2, 2015
1st Quarter Reflections
During the year I have changed a lot. I've learned a lot of new skills in my 1st quarter classes. In this blog you'll learn how I've changed.
My 40 Book Challenge is a factor that changed my tastes in books. In the past I would have stuck with fiction and fantasy. But the 40 Book Challenge had requirements that made me read in a variety of genres. The genres were classics, poetry, informational books, historical, etc. So far I've read 4 and 1/2 books.
In 6 grade I was a blogger in my reading class. This year I'm also blogging and it's had an effect on me. Blogging has made me a better writer because I'm practicing writing with every letter, word, sentence, and paragraph I write. I've learned how to be creative with restrictions and set topics.
During all my years in school my teachers have given me many strategies that are very useful. For example when testing they tell me to read the questions before I read essays. They also tell me to have a clear and detailed schedule because time management is important. When trying to commit something to memory I've been told to relate things to events or things in my long-term memory. These strategies have helped me throughout this first quarter.
In my reading class researching is an necessary tool. Every day we use this strategy and skill to find the answers to our questions. In the past I thought that I had great researching skills but in this class I see people with true researching skills. Learning new ways to research things and learning new formatting has helped me improve my researching skills.
This year many new things have been included as a weekly homework event. For example we have to write down our spelling words on quizlet and a sheet of paper along with roots and examples. One thing that I'm glad we have is the AOW or our Article of the Week. In the past I wasn't aware of world news unless someone else informed me about it. With the AOW I'm learning and understanding world problems like refugees and new laws or intentions by people with high rank around the world. I hope to keep on task and keep changing for the better this year.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Blog for Week: 10/27/15, 2015, The Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice
How does your character change throughout the book due to elements of a story?
Pages: 342
Genre: Horror Fiction/ Free-Choice Read
Ratings: 3.96/5
The book I read for my 40 book challenge is The Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice. Its an amazing book and also an amazing movie with Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Kristen Dunst, and Antonio Banderas. It's quite literally about a man who finds the chance to interview a vampire with an amazing story with drama, twists, and turns.
The vampire changed throughout the whole book, as he shared in his experienced. He was forced to changed because of his becoming a vampire. Which his teacher described as cold blooded killers. But his warm nature stuck with him and his mercy for humans was a problem forcing him to even eat rats, dogs, and many other animals. The harsh laws and teachings from his teacher was also another problem he had to face. His teacher, Lestat, was a cold vampire who though only of killing humans and never animals. Though he had the option to save lives he completely ignored that option.
The vampire had to change due to time. Throughout time many things changed. The vampire was once a plantation owner with slaves but he had to deal with seeing them gain independence and rights. He watched the advance in buildings, medicine, and technology. He watched the development of art, music, etc. He, with his old fashion values, had to change into a more modern viewpoint.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
The Lady or The Tiger: The New Ruler
The New Ruler
“He turned, and with a firm and rapid step he walked across the empty space. Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye was fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right…” but abruptly he heard a clamor of desperation. It was none other than the princess. The Princess had yelled at her lover telling him to stop. The princess’ face was a disarray filled with innumerable emotions and frenzy. The princess promptly collected herself realizing at once the effect of her action. She knew that the eyes, of the citizens and visitors, who were once synchronized in their gazes on the young man were now on her. Suddenly she was nervous with all the pressure and attention.
“He turned, and with a firm and rapid step he walked across the empty space. Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye was fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right…” but abruptly he heard a clamor of desperation. It was none other than the princess. The Princess had yelled at her lover telling him to stop. The princess’ face was a disarray filled with innumerable emotions and frenzy. The princess promptly collected herself realizing at once the effect of her action. She knew that the eyes, of the citizens and visitors, who were once synchronized in their gazes on the young man were now on her. Suddenly she was nervous with all the pressure and attention.
The princess had yelled the word, “Stop.” in hopes that it would save her lover and especially herself from total doom. She looked to her side, where her father, whom she had loved since her birth was with an expression of impatience. She knew no one had dared stop his justice, though an unbelievable one, from being completed and that he wasn’t going to let it now. She raised her hand with swift determination as it touched her father’s cheek. This was the only thing she could do to stop him.
The audience gasped in bewilderment and shock caused by her unthinkable actions. To the normal citizens under the King’s rule they were followers of his every order be it barbaric or just. None had the courage to go against him or show any sign of resistance to his unmatched and unparalleled will. Though the audience was visibly affected immensely, with their jaws dropped to the floor, there was no greater reaction then the king.
Immediately after being slapped the King held the Princess’ hand with such a force that almost all the arena could hear her bones break. The Princess bit her lip as she resisted the urge to back away from fear and scream with pain. At the very first sign of violence her lover followed his gut and charged with the force of a bull and speed of a cheetah to the seats of the King and spread his arms around the Princess. He didn’t have to run for long as he was below the king. He would protect her, that was something she was sure of.
“Let her go!” her lover exclaimed. But the king wouldn’t listen and he yelled back, “No.”He wouldn’t listen to anyone, especially not to this commoner, this disgrace. The young man in return grabbed the King’s arm. Slowy as the pain and pressure increased the King gave a small groan. Then not having enough strength to hold on to her let go of the Princess’ broken hand.
The Princess murmured, “Finally…” She had endured such pain, not only because of her broken bones but because of who had hurt her, her very own father.
The Princess had been the first in all his reign to hurt him and now he had been hurt by a criminal, her lover. No one could ever reach him in all his glory and if it was possible they would be killed instantly by the guards.
The guards were filled with confusion. Should they kill the king's beloved but rebellious daughter and risk making the mistake that would cost their lives? Or should they let her be? Should they kill the young man, her lover, instead? Or should they let the King kill the young man, her lover, himself?
The Princess knew that the situation could change for the worst in a matter of seconds. The Guards or even worse her father could take action in killing her lover or forcing him back into the arena. She had to do something now. She said, “Father, we’re even in pain, but you have committed a sin against me!” The King steadily watched her. She continued, ”You destined me and my lover to a life without each other!” The King was taken aback at his daughter spreading her own wings, gaining independence. But she wouldn’t give him the time to be proud because she followed up quickly exclaiming, “I challenge you for the throne!” The audience didn’t make a sound and waited for the king’s reaction.
The King was furious and with no thought of his actions he replied, “I accept.” But let me tell you one thing, it will be a battle to the death and there is no going back. You and your partner have raised your hand against me and if you die then I will torture him in exchange for his actions and he won’t survive.”
These series of events were more than the audience could have ever imagined happening. At first they were all excited to see if there was going to be a wedding or a slaughter but now they could see something of a much bigger magnitude. A fight between King and Princess, Father and Daughter! All of the audience though of their extreme luck. No one had seen a fight like this in decades when the King was crowned after fighting his very own father.
The duel would be anything the challenger picked. The Princess was a woman of many talents but none except her father could match with her sword skills. They would be having a sword fight. It would be a fight to the death and the last man, or woman in this case, standing would immediately be crowned ruler. There was no turning back because now not only was she fighting for freedom but she was fighting for her lover’s safety.
The battle was ready to initiate and The King and The Princess looked at each other with such fury. The princess said carefully, “Father, I’m sorry you have to die this way but if you continue with your stubborn and biased ways I have no choice but to exact my own justice!”
The King and The Princess were both still in their firm stances, waiting for one for one of them to make the first move. The crowd was still with excitement and anxiety. The King took charge and with small steps he increased the proximity of their swords. Then the King saw an opening as The Princess took a step back. He took a slash which reached her arm leaving an injury of small importance. The Princess was relieved but immediately got back on guard.
The Princess decided she too should start attacking and slashed at the King’s neck. Surprisingly she almost reached it but the King parried her attack. The Princess pulled back and then stabbed his stomach. He was caught off guard and she understood that she had won. She had taken her father’s life.
The Princess was taken aback with the rush of realization. She was now ruler and a murderer, of her very own father. The princess dropped to her knees and muttered, “I did it. I secured our freedom…” Her lover knew her pain and he crouched down to hug her. The Princess looked at her lover and smiled bitterly holding back as much tears as possible. They would have a hard time with her having to reign the kingdom but at least they would be together.
“I love you.” she whispered in his ear. “I love you too.” he replied. Though they had been in a relationship for many months the Princess had never mentioned the word love. He had known that she cared for him quite a lot but this was enough proof to show how much she loved him.
Two months later they we’re happily married. They had the grandest ceremony possible. They invited all the people of the kingdom to witness their matrimony. All of the kingdom knew they were a match made in heaven and they all lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Blog for Week: 10/14/15, 2015, The Help by Kathryn Stockett
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Questions: What special way did the author write? Did it make it better or worse? Explain. Select a quote from your reading that you liked. What made you pick it? How does it make you pause and think?
Pages: 444 (This counts as two books)
Genre: Historical Fiction
Ratings: 4.44/5
The book I read for the beginning of my 40 book challenge is The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It's about a certain town in which racism is immense and effects lives everyday. There is violence, injustice and dreams waiting to be given a chance. Not everyone is biased and unjust, some like Skeeter, a woman with dreams of being a writer, wants to give all people a voice. But in a town filled with violence and supression there is a giant risk. Will they gain a voice or will they live with injustice?
The author wrote the book in a first person view format. It gave me different views from one story/event. Acceptance was one of the themes in the book and sometimes it was hard to understand how a certain character was feeling when problems arrived. It gave me much more insight on how different people thought and treated racism.
There are many memorable quotes in The Help. But only a few of them had a big impact on me. One quote that impacted me the most was, " “Once upon a time they was two girls,” I say. “one girl had black skin, one girl had white.”
Mae Mobley look up at me. She listening.
“Little colored girl say to little white girl, ‘How come your skin be so pale?’ White girl say, ‘I don’t know. How come your skin be so black? What you think that mean?’
“But neither one a them little girls knew. So little white girl say, ‘Well, let’s see. You got hair, I got hair.'”I gives Mae Mobley a little tousle on her head.
“Little colored girl say ‘I got a nose, you got a nose.'”I gives her little snout a tweak. She got to reach up and do the same to me.
“Little white girl say, ‘I got toes, you got toes.’ And I do the little thing with her toes, but she can’t get to mine cause I got my white work shoes on.
“‘So we’s the same. Just a different color’, say that little colored girl. The little white girl she agreed and they was friends. The End.”
Baby Girl just look at me. Law, that was a sorry story if I ever heard one. Wasn’t even no plot to it. But Mae Mobley, she smile and say, “Tell it again.”"
This quote tells us what Aibileen, a maid, hopes that Mae, a white child, will be in the future. In her world all of the white children grow up to be filled with the values that colored people have no worth but she wants to teach her that there is no difference between all people and that we can put an end to that. It shows her hope. It makes me start to think about how life was raising another child only to have them be your enemy later on.
I definitely recommend the Help.
I commented on Hazel's Blog, Brimady's Blog, Evelyn's Blog, Sophie M., and Kezia's Blog.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Vlog: Banned Books: The Giver
The Giver
by Lois Lowry
I commented on:
Works Cited
"The Giver."
Dangerous Books. 5 Jan. 2008. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
Baldassarro, R. Wolf.
"The Giver." Dangerous Books. 27 Mar. 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <>.
Walden Media, 2012. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
Morefield, Kenneth R.
"The Giver." Christianity Today. Christianity Today, 15 Aug. 2014.
Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
My Top 10 Books
There are many books in the word reaching infinite amounts of each type. But some need help to find out what to read. Here you'll find some of the books I recommend. (I might've gotten some parts wrong since I haven't read these books in a long time.)
Most people know the first book of The Giver Series where Jonas is our main character realizing that his Utopia is actually a dystopian society where everything is controlled and calculated. There is no color in his world, literally. In the next Giver Series books we follow other fellow victims of dystopian society as they try to change and survive.
The Giver was a book I read when I was a few years younger, maybe 9. It was the first dystopian society book I had ever read and it made me think differently about society. It made me appreciate my free will and it made me appreciate the opportunity for family and happiness I had. I definitely recommend The Giver series.
2. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
The Giving Tree is a book you know just from the title. The book is about a tree who gives all of her wood, apples, leaves, and branches to a young boy as he grows up.
The Giving Tree was something I also remember reading at a young point in my life. It made me understand sacrifice and appreciation for things. It showed me an example of taking things for granted and how I had to grow up to be different.
The Giving Tree is a book you know just from the title. The book is about a tree who gives all of her wood, apples, leaves, and branches to a young boy as he grows up.
The Giving Tree was something I also remember reading at a young point in my life. It made me understand sacrifice and appreciation for things. It showed me an example of taking things for granted and how I had to grow up to be different.

The Count of Monte Christo is about a young man who has potential for a happy satisfied life. He is engaged to a loving and caring beautiful woman and he is going to be promoted to captain but jealousy overtakes those close to him and they frame him for a murder. The book tells about his life in prison and his revenge.
This book taught me the importance of forgiveness and that revenge is short lived and not something that should be a life goal. It taught me that life wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and that there was things I was going to have to experience in life. It taught me to not be completely dependent on other and to not be naive.
The Count of Monte Christo is not an easy book to read and is near high school level. But if you want a challenge that will entertain you with the drama and subplots this is a book for you.
4. Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Hatchet is about a teenager who gets stranded and has to fight for his survival. Hatchet is a good book for you if you like survival stories where the character changes over time. It's not the most challenges book but it is a story worthy of several prizes.
Hatchet taught me the importance of people and survival. It taught me to appreciate the things I have around me. It also gave me a realistic point of view on a human's will to survive.
Hatchet is about a teenager who gets stranded and has to fight for his survival. Hatchet is a good book for you if you like survival stories where the character changes over time. It's not the most challenges book but it is a story worthy of several prizes.
Hatchet taught me the importance of people and survival. It taught me to appreciate the things I have around me. It also gave me a realistic point of view on a human's will to survive.
5. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
Most people of our generation have heard of The Harry Potter books or movies. The books have won many awards and there is a good reason for it.
The Harry Potter series is about Harry Potter, a celebrity in the magic world and son of genius wizards, as the boy who lived. His life was horrible before coming to Hogwarts as his family of muggles, non-magic folk, suppressed his magic and intelligence. When he'd admitted to Hogwarts he gains a trustworthy group of friends, rivals, and adventures to overcome.
One of my favorite things to do is read a book and then watch the movie. Then I would compare the two and give it my own personal ratings. Its definitely a fun thing to do. This habit started with the Harry Potter series.
6. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Louis
The Chronicles of Narnia tell about an exciting story of 4 siblings in the amazing world of Narnia. The second book in the series is the best known book. It's the Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. The Chronicles of Narnia are easy to read and something that anyone can enjoy.
The Chronicles of Narnia was recommended to me by one of my most favorite teachers in elementary school. We were reading it as a class activity and it showed me a different type of fantasy with strong points on family, friends, and trust.
The Chronicles of Narnia tell about an exciting story of 4 siblings in the amazing world of Narnia. The second book in the series is the best known book. It's the Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. The Chronicles of Narnia are easy to read and something that anyone can enjoy.
The Chronicles of Narnia was recommended to me by one of my most favorite teachers in elementary school. We were reading it as a class activity and it showed me a different type of fantasy with strong points on family, friends, and trust.
7. The Maximum Ride Series James Patterson
The Maximum Ride Series was something I read at the Library. I was finally finding out what type of books I liked and one of my favorite genres both then and now is Fantasy. The Maximum Ride Series is about a self-proclaimed family of avian children and teenagers. Maximum Ride is like their Guardian and has basically raised them even though she is about their age. At their most peaceful moments their past, escaping the research facility where they were treated as disposable experiments. This is the story of how they grow stronger and mature while fighting against the research facility.
The Maximum Ride Series was something I read at the Library. I was finally finding out what type of books I liked and one of my favorite genres both then and now is Fantasy. The Maximum Ride Series is about a self-proclaimed family of avian children and teenagers. Maximum Ride is like their Guardian and has basically raised them even though she is about their age. At their most peaceful moments their past, escaping the research facility where they were treated as disposable experiments. This is the story of how they grow stronger and mature while fighting against the research facility.
8. The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan
While the Percy Jackson series is based on Greek Gods like Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon the Kane Chronicles is based on Egyptian gods, In the story there are two siblings who are the complete opposite of each other are reunited by their father who wants to build back their family after their mothers death. But while on a 'research project' they awaken an evil god, Set, who forces them to join forces and protect the world from his disastrous goals. They then have to face their deep family secrets and save their worlds.
This book is good if you want a fantasy book with properties of suspense, thrills, action, and mystery. This book strengthened my love for those type of books.
While the Percy Jackson series is based on Greek Gods like Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon the Kane Chronicles is based on Egyptian gods, In the story there are two siblings who are the complete opposite of each other are reunited by their father who wants to build back their family after their mothers death. But while on a 'research project' they awaken an evil god, Set, who forces them to join forces and protect the world from his disastrous goals. They then have to face their deep family secrets and save their worlds.
This book is good if you want a fantasy book with properties of suspense, thrills, action, and mystery. This book strengthened my love for those type of books.
9. The Alex Rider Series by Anthony Horowitz
Who doesn't love a teen spy? Alex Rider used to be a normal kid, or at least as normal for a kid who was secretly trained by his Uncle. Problem is, his Uncle is dead and Alex is sure it wasn't just a car accident like they said, it was a murder or at least the bullet holes seem to make him think so. At first Alex is on a mission to find out the truth behind his Uncle's death but he finds much more then he expected when his Uncle turns out to be a secret agent. But what could be worse, or cooler than that? How about being a teen spy with a mission that would save or kill innocent children? This is his story.
In the past I didn't like most action books like The Alex Rider Series but whenI actually read it I found that it suited my taste. I was so addicted I read the first five books in the series in less than 2 and 1/2 weeks. It's one of the few book series that made me get addicted.

In the past I didn't like most action books like The Alex Rider Series but whenI actually read it I found that it suited my taste. I was so addicted I read the first five books in the series in less than 2 and 1/2 weeks. It's one of the few book series that made me get addicted.

The Percy Jackson series is about a boy named Percy Jackson who finds out that he is the son of Poseidon. When he goes to Camp Half-blood where other people like him go to he nurtures his power and gains new friends. But soon his safe haven is interrupted by Hades' visit and news that he has been framed for the stolen bolt of Zeus. To save himself he has to search for the real thief and prove his innocence. But even that leads to more adventures.
You might notice that Rick Riordan is also the writer of the Kane Chronicles. Like the other series by him this book strengthened my love for suspense, thrills, action, and mystery books.
I commented on Brimady's Blog, Evelyn's Blog, and Kezia's Blog.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
All About Me
My name is Citlalli. I live in Illinois, the Prairie State. I'm 12 years old girl, and I'm turning 13 soon. I live with my mother, brother, and sister in an urban home. My hobbies are reading, watching Tv, and painting my nails. My favorite foods are chocolate, Fettuccine, and steak.
My favorite colors are Black, Purple, Green, and Blue. My favorite numbers are 9 and 7. My favorite animals are cats and dogs. I'm not into watching sports on Tv but I do like playing basketball and I'm in basketball at school. I like to play sports with my family during my free time as well as ride my bike. I like Indie music. I am in a family of Christianity. My favorite type of flower is a Hydrangea.
I have a lot of goals for school this year. I want to be on time and ready to start my day at any time. I want to have good grades throughout the school year. I want have fun with my friends. I want to not get in trouble or at least less than 4 times. I want to stay healthy throughout the year and have little absences. Overall, I want to have a happy school year.
My favorite colors are Black, Purple, Green, and Blue. My favorite numbers are 9 and 7. My favorite animals are cats and dogs. I'm not into watching sports on Tv but I do like playing basketball and I'm in basketball at school. I like to play sports with my family during my free time as well as ride my bike. I like Indie music. I am in a family of Christianity. My favorite type of flower is a Hydrangea.
I have a lot of goals for school this year. I want to be on time and ready to start my day at any time. I want to have good grades throughout the school year. I want have fun with my friends. I want to not get in trouble or at least less than 4 times. I want to stay healthy throughout the year and have little absences. Overall, I want to have a happy school year.
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